About Me

I am fiercely committed to guiding people who are ready to invest in themselves and are open to transforming their life.  Working together we start a meaningful journey with the ultimate goal of:

• Living the (your) dream

• Achieving success with meeting your goals

• Living a life of fulfillment

• Living  into your potential

I am committed to working with people who are motivated to experience success in reaching their goals.  I am committed to being a stand for the full potential of your greatness.

I especially love to work with women in transition.  You know that feeling of, “there has got to be more than this…”. I love the process of women reconnecting with what they are passionate about.  Discover you purpose!

What lights me up about this work is being part of and witnessing in others their own “A-ha” moments.  When it becomes clear to the client what has been standing in the way of reaching the next step.   Witnessing a client move beyond what was thought possible.

I provide ontological coaching, which is the focus of who you are being.  How do you show up in this world?  You will discover your essence and differentiate your automatic ways of being from your God given gifts.  You will experience an overall shift in how you relate to others and how other people experience you.

Personal Statement

Prior to becoming a coach I had spent several years in the corporate pressure cooker, living off adrenaline, and loosing a grasp on what I valued most in life; Family, true connections, and living from purpose.
Coaching opened up a world of possibilities where I learned how to access my true self, step into my power, and live a purposeful life.

I am here for you. I love working with people, and watching them discover for themselves, where they have placed false limitations, and where they can step up their game. Together we will discover your power, purpose and place in this world. Unleash your true self and breakthrough those challenging limitations. Whether it is in your relationships, your job, or a new phase in life. I will partner with you, and discover how to access your best self, and live in line with your values.