

About Me

I am fiercely committed to guiding people who are ready to invest in themselves and are open to transforming their life.  Working together we start a meaningful journey with the ultimate goal of:

• Living the (your) dream

• Achieving success with meeting your goals

• Living a life of fulfillment

• Living  into your potential

I am committed to working with people who are motivated to experience success in reaching their goals.  I am committed to being a stand for the full potential of your greatness.

I especially love to work with women in transition.  You know that feeling of, “there has got to be more than this…”. I love the process of women reconnecting with what they are passionate about.  Discover you purpose!

What lights me up about this work is being part of and witnessing in others their own “A-ha” moments.  When it becomes clear to the client what has been standing in the way of reaching the next step.   Witnessing a client move beyond what was thought possible.

I provide ontological coaching, which is the focus of who you are being.  How do you show up in this world?  You will discover your essence and differentiate your automatic ways of being from your God given gifts.  You will experience an overall shift in how you relate to others and how other people experience you.

Personal Statement

Prior to becoming a coach I had spent several years in the corporate pressure cooker, living off adrenaline, and loosing a grasp on what I valued most in life; Family, true connections, and living from purpose.
Coaching opened up a world of possibilities where I learned how to access my true self, step into my power, and live a purposeful life.

I am here for you. I love working with people, and watching them discover for themselves, where they have placed false limitations, and where they can step up their game. Together we will discover your power, purpose and place in this world. Unleash your true self and breakthrough those challenging limitations. Whether it is in your relationships, your job, or a new phase in life. I will partner with you, and discover how to access your best self, and live in line with your values.

Life Coaching Explained

Life coaching provides personal guidance, training and tools that challenge you to re-think what is possible in your life and to gain access to your personal best.  This may be in any area, including relationships, business, personal dreams, career, or overall life questions.

Coaching is designed to break through what is normal or predictable for you.  Coaching provides access to that which is unpredictable, unknown and discontinuous with your past experiences.  Like an Olympic champion, you have a coach to reach what seems unattainable.

Indeed, breakthrough results do not come from simply trying harder or being in the right place at the right time. Personal excellence comes from your commitment and being in action with your coach as your guide.  You speak, listen, do the training and get the results.  You are accomplishing from a new awareness in your life.  No longer confined to reacting or acting from the past, you are able to create a powerful future.

I work with people who are interested in a once-and-for-all shift in a particular area of their life.  The shift is permanent, and alters who you are now and in the future.  You are able to see, and to take action from, a new and powerful place in your life.  You are able to attain, have and keep what you really want.


 Coaching provides you with the tools to have a life the way you design it.


A huge value coaching with Paula provides me is that it  shifts and gives me new perspectives on whatever I am working on and it cultivates new awareness’s. That new awareness created through coaching is huge…it’s where I grow from, it’s where the healing begins…it is invaluable. I feel so blessed and grateful to have the opportunity to coach with Paula. It has done nothing but improve my life!!!




A professional coach needs to be a person who can deliver on two key components: (1) allow the client the space to explore and choose what they want to create; and (2) support and hold them accountable for that future vision. Paula Freeman does this time and time again with a full range of emotion and intellect. She wants people to experience the full joy of life and realize their goals. Paula brings unique awareness and power to support you in what you want to create. I have experienced her coaching firsthand, and cannot recommend her more highly.



Paula is always fully engaged, ensures we are using the time in the way that I need, encourages me to name my heart’s desires and challenges me to step into the possibilities, not being handcuffed by the “what ifs” or obstacles.  Dare to dream!

Jen M.


My experience as a client of Paula’s has been that of transformation and breakthroughs.  Paula displayed exceptional skills as a life coach.  She remained attentive and committed to not only seeing that I stayed current on all the assignments, but also to my well-being.  Paula’s consistent authenticity and determination facilitated my process as a client immensely.  Paula is clearly of service to others.



Paula has helped me identify measurable, attainable goals, and has supported me as I work toward them.  I’m a difficult person to impress and I have been pleasantly surprised by this coaching experience.  Paula has listened to my challenges, pressed me to think beyond my usual nature, and has suggested several exercises that have been particularly useful to me.  I would recommend her services without hesitation.



As a life coach, Paula Freeman is formidable in the best sense of the word—she embodies clarity, strength, and a powerful, positive spirit. Her sharp focus, strong listening skills, compassionate tenacity, and keen insights are among the tools she uses to push (or pull) you forward. Paula will challenge you—as well as your assumptions and “stories”—but she’s also wise enough to simply let you “be” when you feel the need to sit back, take a breath, and reflect. I was fortunate to connect with Paula at a juncture when it seemed as though many vital aspects of my life were topsy-turvy.  I needed help to regain a healthy perspective on the shape of my busy jumble of a life. And I definitely needed steadfast coaching and reinforcement as I struggled to strike a balance that encompassed: health and well-being, meaningful relationships, a sense of community, a spiritual dimension, meaningful work … and, of course, everyday joy! For guidance, I could have consulted a therapist, a priest or other religious counselor, a human resources professional, a financial planner, a personal trainer, a lion tamer, a juggler—and maybe a psychic! Instead, I consulted Paula, who combines all of those roles and more. I believe that because we both know the tugs between navigating the business world as a high-level professional woman or letting your heart lead the way, my ongoing work with Paula has been especially meaningful and productive. I cannot recommend her heartily enough.



Paula was instrumental in facilitating my recognition of my core strengths of leadership, intuitiveness, joy, love and tenacity.  She enabled me to discover my strengths through an inward search rather than imposing a prescribed regimen…  I found Paula to be a very nonjudgmental and an empathetic life coach who displayed an ability to break down a monumental change into incremental challenges that were achievable to me in my day to day life.
